Saturday 23 February 2013


 I like this word and have been waiting for it’s rightful place to put it to use, it would be a winner on a scrabble board if only 13 tiles were up for grabs instead of seven. 
Apart from the fact that the Kiribati alphabet doesn’t have all those letters it is my word for right now.
 It is just the right word to describe the out of sorts feelings that come and visit, the ones that challenge and change ones ideas and view, the ones that get out of the black and white and take up a possie in the grey. At the best of times living here is filled with extremes, contradictions, ease, hardship, heaven and hell on earth and no two moments the same, let alone the roller coaster ride thrown my way this last few weeks.

 Beauty from my back door

Every day, hour and minute spent in Kiribati changes how I feel and see the place. Some days I seek and soak up the beauty seen through rose coloured glasses, other days old worm dusty lenses present a warts and all view, a picture of a culture filled with harm and suffering. Even closing ones eyes it’s hard to imagine a Jesus led pathway that the increasing numbers of missionaries here appear to be sharing with these people. And if mwanabea filled bingo sessions and kava bars run by the churches here are leading people to a life free of suffering and unity with their given saviour then I just don’t get it.

New stock - glow in the dark numbers

Most places, towns, countries are know to have their “people”, the ones that sit on the fringe, shine some light through the cracks, enjoy their own solo conversations, maybe look more dishevelled than others or are just plain out there. Tarawa has a few, not even a handful really but I like them. Stepping out and being different in a collective culture I imagine is not an easy thing, maybe they have arrived at their place unintentionally, who knows but I like what appears to be community acceptance and the role they hold.
Yes, they may be part of a very small number of people that ask for money but they take rejection or a banana with equal acceptance and smiles. One particular chap I like has the Kiribati gift and talent that seems to bind all beings, he sings with and for the angels, or any audience really.

This dude had everone in the square laughing and clapping, and he winked beautifully at me !
I knew coming here challenges would be presented, just knowing what they would be, look and feel like was always unknown. I’d like to think these last few are it for my quota.
My bus waiting record has been broken (5minutes short of two hours!!) so my patience is back in check, 4 rice starved and territorial dogs took to me and induced a fear I have not know before (along with a bite on the bum, a bag torn to shreds, much yelling and a car coming to my rescue) and now the lovely young dentist tells me I need 2 months worth of dental treatment !

Looks like my old stomping ground have moved to Tarawa !
Just as I have been packing up my years worth of op shop filled treasures and preparing myself for the shock of returning to Australia my focus has come back to the here and now, getting through the days and daze that is Kiribati.

Up next : Not even going to guess that one !