Sunday 23 December 2012

Equatorial Christmas

This week it feels like I’m jumping from the pan into the fire for my first Christmas here on the equator, hot, hot, hot with extra high humidity added for festive discomfort.

 One shop taking the simple approach !

Kids in chrissy deco mode


Commercial interests have increased in the time I been here and yesterday I found more evidence, several shops filled with the normal cheap Christmas “crap” found in western countries. I haven’t seen any animals bigger than a pig here but neon reindeers, flashing antlers and even a sheep can now be found amongst USB plug in snow flakes and Santa outfits that would give any diet guru more than a dreary hot flush.  

Cutting & pasting


It looks like this year really is throwing the cat amongst the pigeons, not just in free market trading but also in shop identification. For several years there has been a shop (as in one) that had "Merry Xmas" written in neon lights across the front of the building, the lights have never come down, hence it is known as the “Merry Christmas” shop (much easier than remembering where it actually is or pronouncing the village name).
Who knows next year it may be santa shop, the Jesus shop (just opened this week selling lots of Marys) and the new Merry Christmas shops.  Without any post Christmas sales next week I'd suspect any Christmas stock will sit there ready for next year or until some highly paid consultant comes in and suggests having Christmas in July!

I’m not one of those Christmas/Christian bar humbugging types and I don't subscribe to any creation theory but really I wouldn’t complain if Christmas was moved to a bi-annual event.
 But like most people I don’t mind a celebration and reckon goodwill, being merry, showing compassion, sharing meals and time together are pretty good ideas and actions. I’m also a bit partial to the old carol singing, Christmas cake and hand made cards to induce a warm and fuzzy feeling.  

This year I have kept to my normal simple Christmas routine, made a fruit cake with 4 imported ingredients (1 kilo of mixed fruit, 2 cups of prune juice and 2 cups of SR flour & almonds on top), made a swag of cards from recycled materials and 30 odd lanterns (somehow I knew 11 months of loo rolls were going to come in useful !)

 Hmm, prune juice...........


Lanterns glowing the way

An absolute delight this week was the brass (well, silver) band turning up at work in 2 trucks, off they jumped all 26 of them complete with home made matching music stands to play carols and whatever other songs they knew.
The dance moves to the Hokey Pokey were a treat as was the amount of coral picked up to hold the music sheets from blowing away in the impending storm.And I loved the big, big drum complete with BYO chair to hold it up.

 Carols, coral & hokey pokey

As for Christmas day, there are about 20 of us I-Matang left here getting together for an orphans gathering. Should be fun, the present giving is the ol’ Kris Kringle, only this one is to bring something from home that you want to get rid of (wrapped spouses and kids optional) or bringing a treasure from the op shop.

On that note, much merriment to all, may the fat man in the red suit find a chimney near you and may the bottle of wine I have finally scored sip slowly through my lips.

Up next : Back to launching a canoe without getting ya feet wet !

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