Tuesday 24 July 2012

It's Relationship Territory

When I left my Sydney job last year I was rather presumptuous and suggested that my farewell gift could be a care package to be sent to me in Kiribati once I knew what I wanted or was missing. The idea was welcomed and left the organiser off the hook of what to buy this Pacific gypsy.

A heart shaped pond in my oceanic garden

Five months on in this adventure a few needs and wants came to light. Top of the list came undies, er um, this was not something I was about to put into the hands of a dear middle-aged male co-worker, so let’s investigate furthur.

It didn’t take long before my electric tooth brush wasn’t getting out of first gear and preferring not to whirl around my teeth. Knowing I would not be able to find one here that was now top of the list, also on a shopping list before departing Australia was a sour dough starter from a health food shop near work. I am over eating the one choice here of sweet bread, I was in need of some “culture” along with dried fruit and reading materials.

My dear ex-work colleague was happy with the list and went about making the purchases. Aware that the postage costs were probably going to be greater that the goods inclosed I went about seeking options for a courier. Turns out another friend from Sydney and a local I-Kiribati person were attending the same gathering in Fiji, so bingo I have a tooth fairy come international mule.
The parcel makes it to my hands, I munch on some of the dried fruit included and my teeth get a good clean. I love having a letter in my hands to read and pin up at my home at “Ocean View”, now it’s time to tackle the sourdough packet.

My bread making experience is limited and with no knowledge of how to get a sour dough culture started I eagerly read the instructions and take tips from the worldwide web. That’s the easy part, but I’m still yet to find a suitable glass bowl to sterilise or culture jar to keep the living ancient “being” let alone any bread tins !
This is Kiribati, substitutes are a way of life.

The first step know as “awaken your culture” needed military planning so I set about trying to match these steps with my daily life. Theses processes requires the culture to be nurtured, fed and tended to, initially after 24 hours then each 12 hours for 5-6 days (and this is before even attempting to make some bread !).

 Introducing the unawakened Mr Sourdough

No worries, this country was about to head into 5 days of public holidays for Independence celebrations, what better time than to enter this 120 year old chain. Sitting at the table with the ocean crashed just 25 feet away I take to matching the Independence day events I wished to attend and the needs of my new best friend Mr Sour Dough. 

 OMG, this is a serious commitment I feel like I am heading into relationship material. I haven’t considered myself desperate and dateless in Kiribati but this is serious stuff, taking on the responsibility of “awakening” this ancient sourdough from Germany (maybe just good marketing but that’s what is written on the packet) then the pressure of keeping this relationship alive and well.
Keeping in touch with family and friends is important to me and takes some dedication from this outpost. Several years ago I joined the social networking phenomena and for the most this communication has worked well, especially with my techno savvy friends and “x” generation family members.  In my online profile I had never bothered with identifying my relationship status (mostly due to my luddite ability) but with this growing sour dough commitment I decided to “come out” to this relationship. Nothing like giving the family something to talk about and an opportunity and to test if anyone actually reads my postings. 

It’s time to go from no comment to “in a relationship”, oh what fun.  

Several days later and without internet access at home I visit down the road for free wireless and an afternoon of catching up on the outside world. I have done it, found that profile page ready to edit. “It’s complicated” sounded to complex, I know this relationship is going to have some rises and possible failings but it’s time to cement this commitment and take aim, I’ve gone the whole way.
“In a relationship”

He he.....
OMG, in less than 30 minutes 10% of my friends have liked or commented already. What are they doing ? It’s mid afternoon on a working day in Australia ? Looks like catching up on social media (especially anything gossipy) is the new smoko/tea break.

I’m up for a warm and toasty relationship and will spill the beans (or sesame seeds) when I get to first base !   

UP NEXT: Dealing with death

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